NOJA Power

Boletines de Prensa

Publicado 07/2016

NOJA Power Unveils Custom HMI Panels to meet Sectionaliser and Load Break Switch functionality in the RC-10 Controller

Providing Clarity for the Field Operators of the World’s Most Advanced Recloser Controller.

NOJA Power Switchgear today unveil their custom Human Machine Interface panel design for the revolutionary RC-10 Recloser Controller. This controller enables the OSM recloser to fulfil multiple utility switchgear applications such as Sectionalising, Reclosing, Load Break Switch or even the North American Single Triple Mode with the same switchgear solution. Driven by utility requirements for switchgear operating mode clarity to field operators, the custom HMI panel for the NOJA Power RC-10 allows linespeople to effectively identify and interact with this enigmatic controller. By developing custom HMI panels, NOJA Power empowers utilities to customise their controller panels to meet distinct requirements for control presented in the field.

Utility equipment standardisation models have been based around concepts of easily categorised behaviour of specific equipment. For example, a traditional load break switch acted as only a load break switch, regardless of the scenario, installation or even manufacturer. With the advent of Hybrid switchgear such as the NOJA Power OSM Recloser, it stands to reason that the revolutionary dynamic control which could act in multiple operating modes presents a challenge to these utility operators. Fundamentally, utility lines operators should retain the capacity to easily identify, differentiate and operate equipment which performs multiple roles in the utility network, even if the equipment appears cosmetically identical on the outside.

NOJA Power’s HMI Panel Fast Keys
NOJA Power’s HMI Panel Fast Keys

The solution to this situation is the implementation of custom Key layouts for the NOJA Power HMI Panel, selectable as a configuration option in the panel. Analogous to the keyboard layout in any personal computer, this custom key layout maps different control points to the fast keys on the NOJA Power RC-10 HMI Panel. Corresponding custom panel membranes are also available for the NOJA Power HMI panel to match these panel options. The modular nature of the RC-10 controller also implies that HMI panels can be swapped among controllers so that the operator interface can remain congruent with the configuration and desired application of the switchgear. Driven by the challenge associated with presenting an intuitive user interface to operators, these custom membranes allow users to clearly define the intended purpose of a particular switch installation. This level of simplicity improves safety for utility linespeople, as very similar looking switchgears’ intended purpose is blatantly apparent upon opening the door of a Recloser Controller. Even the language on the panel can be customised to Spanish, Portuguese or English.

Sectionaliser HMI for Configuration
Sectionaliser HMI for Configuration

Today, there are six different keyboard layouts which have which are available in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Four of these are associated with typical recloser operation, with different automation-associated fast keys being presented to operators. The fifth option is a custom variant for the Single Triple (independent, unganged three phase protection) application of the NOJA Power Recloser, and finally of greatest customisation interest is the sixth configuration which presents logic variables as panel fast keys. These variables can be configured to control any function within the NOJA Power Recloser. The logical assignment of these custom variable points can be locked within the controller, and prevented from accidental editing during operation

“Not every customer in the world wants the same functionality presented to operators on their control panels,” says NOJA Power Group Managing Director Neil O’Sullivan. “The ability to configure different panel functionality for different customers in different languages while maintaining a standard product has been achieved by allowing customers to user configure the panel functionality they require.”

Utilities the world over are capitalising on the hybrid switchgear capabilities met by the NOJA Power Reclosers. There are significant savings to be made in inventory, training and maintenance of field equipment when a single piece of switchgear can cover multiple utility applications. The roles of Reclosing, Sectionalising and Load Break Switching are all easily accomplished by the very same NOJA Power OSM Recloser, with the response being defined by the settings configuration inside the controller. These settings can be easily edited by users in a control room or in the field. This level of variability is an excellent asset for remote control of devices, changing operating modes depending on switching requirements or reconfiguring feeders to respond to changes in grading requirements. By providing a piece of switchgear which solves multiple applications does present unique challenges to field operators, as the intended purpose of a particular installation may not be immediately apparent upon the opening of a recloser controller front door.

HMI Panel Configuration Options (VAR1 and VAR2 can be assigned to any control via Logic).
HMI Panel Configuration Options (VAR1 and VAR2 can be assigned to any control via Logic).

NOJA Power’s RC-10 controller is one of the most advanced controllers available today. With a staggering array of protection and automation functionality available in a single recloser control, the simplicity of user interfacing for utility field operators becomes more important than ever. The NOJA Power Custom HMI panel option allows for utilities to adapt their switchgear user interfaces to match the unique requirements for their field applications. This empowers utilities to capitalize on the savings associated with implementing hybrid switchgear technology for solutions to their multiple switchgear requirements, all without compromising user safety by clearly defining the intended purpose of any given installation.

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